single lane roundabout

Driving In A Roundabout

The roundabout is a circular intersection in which drivers are traveling counter-clockwise, and they do so around a central island. What makes the roundabout unique is that there are no stop signs or traffic signals. Simply put, the drivers are entering the roundabout when there’s already traffic in there. As they travel in the roundabout, they can exit at the street they want.

Increasing in popularity

Modern roundabouts are increasing in popularity because they help better optimize a large amount of traffic. These can also accommodate any vehicle, ranging from trucks, emergency vehicles, busses and so on. Driving through the roundabout is very easy to understand, since you yield at the entry to traffic already there, and then you continue to the intersection, only to exit where you want.

The central island has a circular shape, and its focus is to help control the traffic direction. It also helps keep speeds low, up to 20 mph at most. Another benefit of a roundabout is that it helps prevent head-on collisions or right angle collisions. Roundabouts also have a triangular splitter island, which also helps slow down traffic and redirect it as needed. Some of these islands can also be a refuge for pedestrians.

Safety of roundabouts vs. conventional intersections

An intersection without any roundabout can still be very dangerous for pedestrians and drivers alike. The role of a roundabout is to control traffic and also slow it down. That’s why roundabouts reduce injury crashes with up to 75% in intersections, according to an IIHD study. Of course, there are different types of roundabouts, and the safest ones are the single-lane roundabouts. There’s less traffic, and thus it’s a lot easier to prevent any issues. Still, roundabouts are much safer than a regular intersection, and that’s what makes them such a great option.

Roundabout rules/etiquette

  • You should always slow down on approach, since it helps increase your safety
  • Try to give way to the driver that’s already on the roundabout
  • Always signal your intent, so the other drivers know exactly where you want to go, what route you follow and also where you want to exit.
  • It’s recommended to give way to the left. If you don’t, then the first-come, first-served rule comes into play.

Roundabout benefits

Why have roundabouts become so popular? For starters, roundaboutare very safe, there are 90% less fatalities thanks to them. Additionally, there are time savings, since there’s a 30% to 50% increase in the traffic capacity for an intersection. A roundabout is also environmentally friendly since it reduces pollution and islands can be decorated with trees and plants. And yes, roundabouts are offering a great way to save money too.

As you can see, roundabouts are highly recommended, so it’s a good idea to use them when possible. Not only will it save you time, but it’s also preventing any headaches in traffic since everything is very well organized. We recommend using a roundabout every time you can do so, as it conveys much better results.

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